2 Girl phone sex Harriett and Irene are naughty. It must be remembered we are naughty girls at the same time we are so much fun. Now with the season upon us. The Hanukkah behind us. We begin with the first day of Hanukkah. Standing in the cellar for we start with darkness. Dedicating to the confusion, to the naughty thoughts of all the little munchkins I lust after. As long as I lust after for it is only then I feel like I have a large cock for how small they are.
Which brings me to the second night. The stairway before I light that candle. Knowing that these stairs are the strength to play with 2 beautiful sexy women, Harriett and Irene. Now I will rise up. Poke a woman with my teeny tiny cock. Need that young munchkin to fuck Irene and Harriett with me. Only way for me have something tight.
Irene leads me through the third night. The long hallway dedicated to decisions. Do I go to the left? Do I go the right? Now one has a young cock that is larger than mine, the other is a tight young pussy. Irene giggles but at the same time pushes me to the munchkin pussy, knowing adult pussy don’t get me off. It’s much too small. Naughty mommy giving her munchkins to me. 
Now it’s the fourth night. Harriett knows its decision time. How great is the need. Urging the phone chat numbers to be chosen. Will it be Harriett? Irene? Which has the smaller munchkin. It’s the dining room buffet. My need is great. Little cock with the little hat that is much too big for this head. Need to stuff myself.
This leads into the fifth night both Harriett and Irene lead me, my small cock in hand, little cap tucked in my pocket. Much too large and they laugh at me. As long as they know they will never get me off we are on the same page. After all they are much too old and I need those munchkins. Hence they turn over said munchkins happily. Such naughty mommies. They know my identity as p-man. Small dicked wonder. Go straight to the sixth night the bedroom. Redemption has finally come at the end of the line. For those who confess. For this I need all the phone chat lines of the women. Harriett and Irene couldn’t make me cum. Need someone younger. Much younger.
Give me a munchkin just out of diapers for my itty bitty penis to feel big in. Then and only then will I cum. Even as a Jew I never reach the seventh and eighth nights. I need to stay in the reborn to continue to fuck those lovely little munchkins. Coming inside of them.
It must be remembered that the end is only the beginning and I must stay at the rebirth.
Fuckalicious Freak Harriett
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