Have you been searching for a Phone Chat Numbers line with a special inclination for a true Giantess. I am nearly 6 ft tall and love to wear 8″ inch high heels. Kicking a man in the balls to make him shrink is always a fun time.
You are the pathetic little man that needs me as a goddess over you. I am a submissive by profession but that just means I have successfully fulfilled being a dominatrix and a submissive. This is what a switch is. I can start off as your little subby slut.
Drink my elixar and watch me grow as you shrink. I turn from being your little bitch to being your Bitch Goddess. In charge and walking all over you in my 8″ inches high spiked heels. I laugh and squat over you and piss. drink up shrinking man. You drink and shrink even more.
Once you are significantly small, kinda like a little top army man sort of small I can use you better. I put you in my mouth and swallow you. You tumble down my throat and through my intestinal tract. Oh, and boy do you upset my tummy. I poop you out in a bowl and then clean you up.
Hoping that you had a good trip I get you all nice and clean. My lover is coming over and you need to hide somewhere. I think I will just put you in my panties. Oh wait I have a better idea I insert you in place of a tampon in the plastic applicator and plunge you up inside my vagina. There you will be safe.
Phone Chat Numbers for Fantasies
SO your safety didn’t last long. My lover has a really big dick and he was quick to get hard for me. We are fucking and you are now being pumped against and once my lover cums in me you are going to be drowning in his jizz.