Bath time with Grammy is always one of my little ones favorite things. They even beg for it. Do you remember when you used to watch your little ones playing in the tub or even the pool and all you wanted to do was to touch their bodies? All you wanted to do was to play with them and those tiny holes and…goodness how you wanted to fuck them. Well that’s half the reason my grandbrats love bath time with Grammy. They know they are going to get their bodies touched all over, they know they are going to get their cunt fucked and their dicks sucked. They know they are going to learn a new sexual skill from yours truly and they know that grammy is going to take care of those little bodies and all the pleasures that come with it. They know that’s exactly what bath time leads to, as I rub that soap in real good and trail my hands underneath the water… all I wanna do is give it a little touch, a little squeeze. All mine, to do whatever I want with… and I wouldn’t have it any other way.