This quarantine has been absolutely confining, and I’ve been desperate for hot sexy men to call my phone chat numbers just so I could play and run my hands over my pussy for a little masturbation. Oh, I can look at porn or use my own fantastic imagination, but there’s nothing like having a man on the phone instructing you exactly how to touch yourself, exactly when to cum.
Fuck that makes me wet. In fact, being ordered around like that makes me squirt. I’m by no means a submissive woman, but every once in a while I just really love a man to put me in my place. To teach me exactly what women are for, and I know what women are for. Women are for breeding, and fucking, they’re here for draining your balls, and cooking your dinner. Iron your slacks, and then let you use our mouths as your own personal pocket pussies. And when you cum deep down our throats, we will swallow every drop.
That’s what women are for, and you and I both know that. So when he called me to put me in my place, and ordered me to squirt for him, my body responded before my mind ever could have. My cunt exploded, and I’ve been in dire need of him again ever since.