

Phone chat numbers Robyn knows you need a submissive whore

phone chat numbersPhone chat Numbers Robyn knows you need a submissive whore who will role play any and all fantasies. I have a man who wants to control my life from behind the computer screen. He has me do all these tasks and report to him daily.
But his biggest thrill as a Dom man is to have my daughters and all female school personnel at his beckon call.

I spend most of our time pretending his is ordering the Vice principle to set a new precedent at the high school. He dictates undergarments and sexual activity for the women teachers and office staff. Through me he has the satisfaction f being the most powerful man to have swarms of women fucking husbands and getting impregnated. One thing is certain: he loves his women to look good.

All through spring on the phone chat lines he is monitoring the boots, and outfits of luscious women from 22 -60 years old with me. My daughters principle is leading the charge and watching up to five women a day masturbate in her office. She is giving pregnancy test and texting each lady to fuck and send her pics of naughty acts.

Phone chat Numbers Robyn knows you need a submissive whore

Be like my Master and control all the women around you through me! I am his slave and obey his commands. He will reward me if I obey and punish me if I don’t. I am under his control and will never disobey. Sometimes I get a wild hair up my ass and fuck up in obeying him. One time I had to give myself over 600 swats with a belt for making a mistake.

Me and my girls and hubby are forever under his strong command and I would love to be controlled by another master just as strong as Master T is for some Sexy role plays!

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