Phone Chat Numbers is where a high bitch like me goes to be the nasty whore I like being. It is like my cunt is on fire when I’m high, so I make sure to find a cock to sell my pussy to or to trade for more drugs. I love when they make me do Sexy role plays. It doesn’t matter the age or role I want to do it, being blown does that to me. Like when I was going to go get another bottle, a guy pulled up next to me and right away I jumped in his car. He wanted daddy’s little girl to let daddy fuck her butthole. I asked him to pay me first, when he gave me my money he started playing with my tits. While he played with my tits, he asked for daddy’s little girl to beg him to fuck her in her tight little ass. I did as he asked. While he stroked his fat cock, he tried to grab my head to suck his dirty meat but i told him that is extra. He gave me what I asked, and I sucked his sticky cock. He moaned and played with my asshole. He quickly pushed me down on my belly and said how daddy was going to fuck his little girl’s asshole now. He rammed his cock in my little asshole screaming how daddy loves his little girl.

Right before he came, he started choking my neck saying that daddy was going to fill my ass up and it is our little secret. After he dropped me off i used Phone chat lines so i can find another daddy to pay me.
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