Phone chat numbers should be anything goes always. I could not work for a taboo company. My life is no taboos. I have daughters I whore out. I mean money is not endless right? This is why my husband and I pimp out our girls whenever we can. I love being a dirty mommy. My slutkins make great money as jailbait whores. I love watching them get fucked. I get my girls fucked damn near daily, even during a pandemic. My daughters love to spread their legs for daddies just like you. Last night, a rich daddy from Greece rented all three of my daughters. He wanted the daddy experience, and we wanted his daddy money. I got to film the orgy. He wanted to watch my girls play with each other, which was no problem. I have raised them in an open family dynamic. They play with their brothers, each other and mommy and daddy. My daughters may be trafficked girls, but they are happy girls. They do not need to be forced or drugged to suck your daddy cock. They will lick your ass. They will suck your cock after it has been in their assholes. They will snowball your cum too. There is nothing these girls will not do to please you. Nothing I will not do either. I love men to be happy.