When he pulled out the wad of cash, my pussy exploded in a “hell yeah” and my head screamed “you’re going to work for that”
Of course the pussy always wins…
Pulling up to his posh house in his fancy car I almost felt like a princess, yet I knew I was the whore.
It was exhilarating to know that for the night at least I would be out of that trashy trailer and in this fancy house. That I was riding in this hot ass sports car and not walking.
For a fleeting moment I wondered what I would have to do to earn all the money he handed me. Would I get gang banged? beaten? dominated? treated like a dog and paraded for all to see?
But as I walked up the stairs I didn’t really give a shit what was going to happen, I had a pocket full of money that would get me high for fucking days.
So I thought, “hit me with your best shot, tomorrow I will be numb”
With every step that we got closer to the front door, my nipples got harder with anticipation.
As he turned the big brass handle I felt the rush of pussy juice between my legs.
We walked in and he took me to the game room where there was a bar and a big pool table with red felt. I was so intent on him and the drink he offered me that I didn’t notice the little shadow in the corner until he pointed it out to introduce me to his son.
He seemed very uncomfortable as I smiled and tried to play nice. I really don’t like fucking brats, but for the money I could be fucking mother Theresa to a brat.
He got right to brass tacks. He didn’t feel like his son was advancing fast enough with the females, being social or sexual. It was my job to spend the first half of the night fucking him while his son watched and took pictures and notes.
Class was in session.
The second half of the night his son would show what he learned while he watched, took notes and pictures to review with his son later.
Also I would be available for the next two days for sexting with them. His son needed to be taught all aspects of interaction with females including social media.
He explained that he hoped it would only take one lesson, however if he wasn’t pleased with the results, he may call me for another…..