Over my years on the dance floor, I have learned that men love sexy role plays. Instead of the usual stripper clothing, I tend to gravitate more toward the sexy dress up outfits. I have danced as everything from a doctor, to a pregnant housewife, to a nun. I thought it was kind of corny at first, but the nights I dress in costume, I always make more money and get better dick. Tonight was my nun night. You called me to your table and paid for a private dance. I lead you to the VIP room and begin swaying my black dress covered bottom. You started calling me Sister and telling me how sorry you were for talking me into leaving the convent, but that you weren’t that sorry because you were about to take my virginity. You didn’t give me time to take off my clothes, telling me you preferred me to stay in my nun clothes. You told me you were glad we chose to leave the church together. It was then that I realized you were a former priest. Priest or no priest, your cock was being very naughty as it plunged into my “virgin” pussy, impaling me quickly and fully. As I came, I called out to the Lord and even though we were both sinning, you admonished me for taking the Lord’s name in vain. The tables were soon turned because when you started unloading your heavy load of cum into me, you called on God quite a bit too. Hmm, I think you should repent father and ask forgiveness for all those worldly sins you committed tonight.